Medium pressure and high pressure preparation chromatography integrated machine
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Medium and high pressure preparation

Chromatography integrated machine

1. medium pressure / high pressure preparation chromatography integrated machine flash chromatography + Preparation of high purity compounds by high performance liquid chromatography

The preparation system is a kind of purification equipment with dual functions, which provides seamless switching between flash and preparative high performance liquid chromatography. It is flexible and uncompromising in performance to deal with the separation of diverse types of samples. After low-pressure pre separation in flash chromatography, it is a very ideal choice to further improve the purity and obtain higher separation rate and purity compounds from high-pressure separation, meeting the requirements of high purity. High pressure operation to prepare high performance liquid chromatography column with large range, high pressure and high flow rate to reduce operation time.

2. features of integrated medium and high pressure preparation machine

Medium pressure preparation liquid phase flash and HPLC high pressure preparation liquid phase two in one

Compact space design, automatic intelligent switching from normal phase to reverse phase solvent

Flash chromatography medium pressure pre purification 4mg-100gi

High pressure purification of mg-g grade by high performance liquid chromatography with purity of 99%

The maximum diameter of HPLC column is 50mm, and the particle size of packing is less than 5um

Binary gradient flow rate up to 200 ml/min, maximum pressure resistance: 3500 PSI

UV, uv/vis, ELSD and MS detectors are available

3. four solvent system

It makes it very simple and easy to switch between normal phase solvent purification and reverse phase solvent purification high-pressure preparative liquid chromatography of flash chromatography, and can be automatically replaced according to the prompts of the instrument or adjusted more flexibly with manual guidance.

4. detector options

UV detector wavelength 200-400nm

Uv/vis UV visible detection wavelength 200-800nm

ELSD evaporative light detector

Purlon MS mass spectrometer detector

5. user interface conversion software

The intuitive software can easily know that the blue screen shows that the system is in flash mode, and the green screen shows that the system is in prep HPLC mode. Flash/ HPLC software realizes the simplest transition and exchange, and seamlessly switches from normal phase flash chromatographic solvent to reversed-phase preparative HPLC solvent. Easily control the separation conditions of medium pressure and high pressure preparation liquid phase.

6. intelligent support identification and liquid level identification

Eliminate tube omission or overfilling to prevent solvent leakage and sample loss. With the chromatographic columns of various sizes, it can achieve almost unlimited retention and reception function. The purification process does not need to be on duty. The intelligent solvent level sensing will not run out of solvent or overflow waste liquid. It will never run in the absence of solvent and damage the expensive prepared chromatographic column. If the solvent is insufficient, the system will pause and sound to prompt the user. In addition, the system will automatically pause the separation and Purification when it senses the waste solvent overflow to eliminate the hidden danger. RFID function prevents forgetting to place chromatographic column and collection support, and avoids sample loss and solvent overflow during retention collection.

Medium pressure and high pressure preparative chromatograph, rapid liquid preparation chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, high performance liquid chromatograph
Flow rate range 5-200 ml/min
304 316 stainless steel
Rapid liquid preparative chromatograph
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