Large scale purification preparation chromatographic system
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Large scale purification preparation chromatograph

1. large scale purification and preparation chromatographic system, software and peak cutting function

Unattended large-scale automatic separation and purification, and the self diagnosis

system ensures sufficient solvent for purification and waste liquid overflow; It is suitable for the discharge of various solvent vessels and waste liquid. The patented intelligent liquid level technology monitors the solvent supply and waste liquid.

1 l/min flow rate, 100 psi pressure, 300 g purification, multi-functional customized

system to meet various sample, solvent, retention and waste treatment settings. The large flow pump can provide accurate and reliable binary gradient with high repeatability even if the gradient of 1l/min flow rate is very small. Simple and easy-to-use flash chromatography operation software provides intuitive access to each method parameter. Set slope, wide value, time window or connect external detector to trigger collection in single, dual or full wavelength detection mode through UV detector or UV visible detector PDA detector.

2. automatic six way injection valve

Realize unattended automatic column balancing, sample loading, purification, automatic cleaning after operation, and air purification of chromatographic column and sample tube. The wide hole valve is easy to clean the pipeline and remove impurities.

3. unparalleled system security

The pressure and solvent vapor sensors ensure safe operation. The fully grounded pipeline allows high flow operation. After use, the air purge quickly simplifies the purification of the chromatographic column. The immediate alarm system is ready for manual intervention to ensure equipment safety and sample safety:

Anti static safety management solvent vapor concentration

Overpressure detection intelligent solvent and waste liquid level sensing

Large scale purification preparation chromatographic system, rapid liquid preparation chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, high pressure preparation chromatographic system
304 316 stainless steel
Large scale purification preparation chromatographic system
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