Reciprocating cylinder / reciprocating rack dissolution apparatus
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Reciprocating cylinder / reciprocating rack dissolution apparatus

With the further development of drug research and types of drug dosage forms, for some special dosage forms, the traditional basket method and paddle method have been difficult to meet the needs of dissolution curve research. More and more enteric coated and slow-release drugs need more differentiated dissolution methods, while USP 3

method (reverse tube method) and USP 7 method (reciprocating frame method)

It has more advantages in the dissolution study of new drug formulations.

USP 3 method is usually used to test the release rate of slow-release and controlled-release preparations, enteric soluble preparations and drugs at different pH.

USP 7 method is usually used to test the release rate of transdermal patches, implants, arterial stents and in vivo conductor balloons.

One machine is compatible with usp3 method and USP7 method, which can realize convenient switching and simple operation.

The intelligent control and intelligent moving reciprocating simple support is convenient for multi-point cyclic continuous sampling.

Function expansion is combined with UV and HPLC to build a diversified platform.

Drug dissolution meter, automatic dissolution meter, drug dissolution detector, drug dissolution tester, usp3 method and USP7 method
One machine is compatible with usp3 method and USP7 method, which can realize convenient switching and simple operation.
304 316 stainless steel
Reciprocating cylinder / reciprocating rack dissolution apparatus
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