Microwave rapid moisture / solid content analyzer
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Microwave moisture / solid content analyzer

The moisture test is more accurate and faster. The universal microwave moisture / solid content analyzer uses dual frequency electromagnetic wave to heat the sample and can determine the final test result within 30-90 seconds.

Low frequency wavelength directly acts on polar molecules, such as free water, and rapidly generates heat; High frequency wavelength removes bound water or nonpolar volatile solvent to ensure that the sample will not produce Maillard reaction.

It can not only accurately analyze dry and wet samples, but also shorten the drying time of samples. These advantages can record the temperature rise curve during the drying and heating process through dual frequency microwave technology and integrated electronic balance.

At the same time, continuously and accurately weigh to monitor the weight loss curve and track the weight loss of volatile matter. Therefore, the rapid determination of moisture and solid content of products is a decisive factor for cost saving in production process control.

Test the moisture and volatile content of the sample, build a formula model, and automatically calculate the moisture / solid percentage content through the drawn drying curve. It takes a few minutes to complete a test that usually takes one or half a day.

The test accuracy reaches 0.01%. It can quickly test almost all types of samples in large quantities for moisture, reagent and solid content test. The process complies with NIST and AOAC standards. Rapid testing can quickly adjust the production or modify the formula to meet the requirements of online product quality control.

Automatic exhaust automatically changes the exhaust power according to the volatilization amount to remove flammable gas.

Online design online quality control volatile and hot samples (paper mill black liquor, etc.)

Rapid determination of 30-90s to complete the work of traditional methods for several hours.

The IR infrared detection time is 7-20min, and the greater the quality - the higher the moisture

content of the sample, the longer the test time, the worse the repeatability

NIR indirect measurement technology requires constant calibration and modeling, which takes time and effort to affect the results

The one minute rapid determination dual frequency conversion technology can raise the temperature of the sample to the ideal drying temperature within 5 seconds. The sample can be dried most quickly without scorching. The determination is completed in 30-90 seconds, creating a new technology

for the fastest test of moisture content. It is very important for production process control, raw material and finished product inspection speed.

Accuracy and repeatability moisture meter. Can complete: solid, powder, slurry, moisture and volatile content analysis.

It is applicable to all samples. It is pioneering and multi-purpose with a wide range of applications.

It can detect various types of samples, including polar and non polar samples, low moisture samples,

volatile samples, various difficult samples, temperature sensitive samples, as well as solid block, powder and award samples

Microwave moisture analyzer, microwave moisture analyzer / solid / volatile analyzer, moisture analyzer, sample moisture and volatile content test
Complete the detection of moisture, solid matter, total suspended matter, total volatile suspended matter, etc. within 30-90s
304 316 stainless steel
Microwave rapid moisture / solid content analyzer
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