Automatic micro reaction hydrogenation instrument
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Automatic micro reaction hydrogenation instrument

A fully automatic micro reaction hydrogenation instrument based on continuous flow micro reaction hydrogenation technology. The instrument adopts micro reaction hydrogenation technology to react high-purity hydrogen with continuously flowing reactants in a micro packed column   equipped

with catalyst. Combined with the functions of whole process automatic control, online real-time

detection and automatic sample collection, the hydrogenation reaction has become safe,

efficient and energy-saving.

The instrument is applicable to the development of hydrogenation process in the laboratory and the rapid screening of catalyst. At the same time, the high throughput version can realize the kg

customized production of hydrogenation products in the fume hood.

⊙ it can be directly connected with the hydrogen cylinder, or it can be equipped with a high-pressure and high-purity hydrogen generator.

⊙ control the whole process of hydrogenation to avoid differences between batches.

⊙ the hydrogenation process was strengthened and the reaction time was shortened to within 3min.

⊙ the reactor is small, and the device has intrinsic safety attribute.

⊙ reserved sampling port can realize mg level reaction.

⊙ 200 ℃ maximum reaction temperature and 10MPa maximum system working pressure, suitable for a wide range of hydrogenation applications.

⊙ sampling port device can realize real-time sampling of reaction system samples.

⊙ the high-throughput version can realize kg product customization.

⊙ the equipment is small and can be placed in the fume hood.

⊙ equipped with online ultraviolet visible and near-infrared detectors, it can realize real-time online monitoring and analysis

Continuous flow hydrogenation reactor Microfluidic hydrogenation
Hydrogen feed flow rate 5~1000 SCCM
304 316 stainless steel
Automatic micro reaction hydrogenation instrument
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