Thermal conductivity test unit
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Thermal conductivity test unit

The rheological and PVT data of plastic or elastomer materials are mainly used to simulate the flow and shrinkage during processing. It is also necessary to obtain the thermal conductivity from the heat conduction data.

Generally, the cycle of heat conduction under the process is not the most appropriate. The heating cycle is longer than the actual heating time. If the required heat is exceeded, the melt flows in the thermal field, which will lead to a high crushing rate of the material. This will have a bad impact on the comprehensive performance of the processed products.

The rheological data and PVT data are affected by temperature. Due to the wrong thermal conductivity data, the material deviates from the thermal history of the material at the same temperature, resulting in the fluidity and shrinkage of the material deviate from the originally designed process conditions. Thus, the comprehensive performance of the final product is reduced.

Data of thermal conductivity of different polymer materials

Amorphous polymer                                          Lens polymers


Effect of temperature and pressure on thermal conductivity of PPXPGP5M12yf8-lXtaZ9xJuhABa1w.jpg

Analysis of melt thermal conductivity
Max. pressure 1000 bar
304 316 stainless steel
Thermal conductivity test unit
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