Thin film evaporator  Film scraping vaporizer
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Thin film evaporator

These are called scrape film evaporators. PTFE rotor blades form a uniform film on the heated chromatographic column. Low pressure film formation reduces the boiling point and hydrostatic pressure of chemical components.

This causes the volatile fraction to evaporate at low temperatures. The movement of the wiper also pushes the film down, reducing the residence time on the hot surface.

Therefore, thin-film and short-range evaporators are very suitable for the concentration / distillation of

temperature sensitive chemical mixtures, enzymes, proteins, vitamins, aromatic compounds, plants, etc.

Glass evaporators are ideal for process development and troubleshooting applications. Compared with the steel evaporator, the all glass design ensures high visibility of the process. This means that any adverse events that may occur during process development can be easily observed and corrected.


Evaporation / concentration / steam chamber temperature control continuous feed adjustment caster auxiliary movement

Suitable for processing:

A dirt mixture of enzymes, proteins, vitamins, etc Aromatic drugs, etc

High efficiency concentration crystallization evaporation equipment
Operating pressure 0.1 mbar (abs.) to atm
304 316 stainless steel
Thin film evaporator
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