Desk top high resolution NMR spectrometer
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Desk top high resolution NMR spectrometer

NMR is more and more widely used in many fields. The desk top high-resolution NMR spectrometer

is mainly used to observe the corresponding relationship between the organic chemical structure and the relevant characteristic information of NMR spectra. It is an important tool for chemical structure analysis. It has low maintenance cost (no need of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium), and can meet the teaching experiment and scientific research of organic chemical structure analysis. It is mainly used for structural analysis of low molecular organic chemistry and teaching instruments of organic chemistry and physical chemistry.

working principle:

Because the atomic nuclei with magnetic distance can absorb electromagnetic radiation of appropriate frequency under the action of high-intensity magnetic field, different chemical environments of

atomic nuclei in different molecules will have different resonance frequencies and produce different resonance spectra. The NMR signal is Fourier transformed to obtain the NMR spectrum, which is called high-resolution NMR spectrum.

Advantages and features:

1. Desktop NMR instrument with high resolution and sensitivity.

2. An economical alternative to high field NMR.

3. Low maintenance, no moving parts, no refrigerant.

4. Compact, easy to move and carry.

5. Experiments can be loaded and used according to the original data, or the collected data can be modified.

Superior performance:

1. Magnet: 60MHz (1.4T)

2. Atomic nucleus: 1H (60MHz) /13c (15MHz) or

1H (60MHz) /31p (25MHz) dual mode

3. Line width: 1.2hz (20ppb) at 50%

4. Tightness: magnetic field around the instrument shell <5g

Space occupancy:

1. Only 25kg

2. The overall size is as small as 30x28x49cm

3. Use standard 5mmnmr tube without special consumables

4. 10 ″ LCD touch screen (4:3), friendly interface

5. With or without gloves, the software can be easily operated through the touch screen

6. Standard wall power (220V), without power supply transformation

Data network and security:

1. Standard and modifiable methods include 1D, 1d{1h}, T1, T2, nutation, cosy, jres and HSQC

2. Growing method library, upgradeable

3. Multiple methods of samples can be queued

4. Data can be exported to storage devices such as network folders and USB flash drives

5. With network or local printing function

Feature highlights:

1. You can use pulse program control to design your own experiment

2. You can also use the method templates built in the instrument: T1, T2, nutation, cosy, Dept, HSQC, Hector

3. With decoupling and signal control functions

Multi core capability:

Through tuning, nmready-60pro can obtain the spectra of two conventional spin active nuclei,

improve its utility, and characterize a wider range of natural and synthetic products. The instrument supports 1H, 7Li, 11B, 19F, 13C and 31P (dual mode).

Optional features:

1. User profiles for secure login and custom project settings

2. Kinetic monitoring of simple reaction

3. Internet based customer service (screen sharing)

4. Remote instrument control

5. Open program interfaces (APIs) for developing third-party applications

Small nuclear magnetic NMR spectrometer
304 316 stainless steel
Desk top high resolution NMR spectrometer
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